Cajarc to Cahors
A cool start to an all pavement ride. Tired and wanting to get the ride finished in time for being in this amazing city had us heading out at 9:30 for town.
Most of the ride today was downhill. Or so it seemed. We are now so use to climbing that flat roads seem to be downhill.
First day of fall and the first day of our second week on the road. The upcoming weather looks good. Maybe a little rain on Sunday. We know by now how to deal with that!
The scenery today was limited. Big stone cliffs and cute little villages. Lunch again was fantastic as Im sure you can imagine. The Plate of the Day included a salad, chicken with a mushroom and cream sauce.
We found out today that the baggage transfer service will not take our bags to the next evenings stop. Barbara has arranged for a two day stay at the hotel we were going to be in the night after tomorrow. We will be going straight to there and staying for two days. This will be a well needed rest and more time to take photos and upload them to you!
Dinner tonight was also great. A small restaurant with all local food. Photos to follow, tomorrow.
Cassolettes de Saint-Jacques
Cahores is an amazing city. Once Roman, the whole downtown area is surrounded by the river Lot, having only one end needing a wall. At one time there was also only one bridge. Cahores was chosen as the French financial city in France because it could be so well protected. Most of the city is waterfront!
A walk around the market in Cahores.
Bulk Table Wine
you and barbara are a good team. all the beautiful things you see and do.